There is evidence that the current wood formed part of a larger area of woodland and forest around Bourne and in Morton and Edenham parishes referred to in the Domesday Book of c.1086. This formed part of a much larger expanse of woodland and forest stretching as far as Northamptonshire known as Brunneswald or Bromswold. Around this time, the major landowner in Bourne was Oger the Breton whose holding was likely to have included most of Bourne Wood. Continue reading Bourne Wood: A Portrayal of a Wood in Kesteven
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Easter Monday Bunny Bits and Bobs Trail
Around 140 children took part in our Easter Trail on Monday. Continue reading Easter Monday Bunny Bits and Bobs Trail
Picnic Benches
If you go down in the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise, because the Community Orchard has a new picnic table! Continue reading Picnic Benches
Forestry Commission
Bourne Woods are owned and managed by the Forestry Commission.
This means that the Forestry Commission are responsible for planting, looking after and felling the trees within the wood. Continue reading Forestry Commission
The Beautiful Song of the Nightingale
From mid April until about the end of May the beautiful song of the Nightingale can be heard in the wood. We are fortunate here in Bourne to be able to hear this little bird in full song as it is reaching its northernmost limits in Britain here in Lincolnshire. Continue reading The Beautiful Song of the Nightingale
A Sea of Bluebells
Today I was greeted by a sea of blue as I walked through Bourne Wood. The recent warm weather has seen the Bluebells begin to show across the woodland floor. Continue reading A Sea of Bluebells
Bird Boxes in Bourne Woods
The Friends have installed 104 Woodcrete nestboxes suitable for Blue Tits, Great Tits, Marsh Tits and Nuthatches, plus 10 Woodcrete Robin boxes within the wood. Continue reading Bird Boxes in Bourne Woods
Spring Time Bourne Woods
Spring is one of my favourite seasons (along with summer, winter and autumn!) The woods are erupting with green buds wherever you look, complemented by the colours of the spring flowers. Continue reading Spring Time Bourne Woods