The Friends had a successful Easter Trail on Easter Monday. Children followed a bug trail, answering questions related to the beasties placed around one of the rides. This was followed by a dinosaur quiz, which the children knew the answers to – while the parents struggled! Over 60 children participated in the event, accompanied by their parents and grandparents. Everyone seemed to enjoy the good weather, and the test of their observation skills and insect knowledge.

Three Counties Dog Rescue had a stall and tombola, and were showing off one of their rescue dogs. The Friends provided drinks and there were plants for sale. The Friends were also selling their new booklet ‘Bourne Wood – A portrayal of a wood in Kesteven’ which can also be obtained at their next event – a Plant Stall in the Community Orchard, off Beech Avenue, Bourne on Saturday May 27th from 10am to 12pm.
Thank you to everyone who helped out at the event.