The Friends of Bourne Wood have been in the process of creating a wildlife pond in the Community Orchard for several months.
This has now become a reality thanks to support from Bakkavor with a couple of work parties. The pond was started in November 2016, after the liner was donated by the Forestry Commission, but adverse weather stopped play, so finally last week it was completely dug, with the liner fitted and filled with water.

Everyone seemed to have great fun digging the pond, and it has been great to see it completed and full of water.
There is still plenty to do, with plants still to be inserted, and the area made secure.
Those visiting at the weekends can see the project develop further, and hopefully enjoy the wildlife attracted when completed. The orchard is open on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays 10am to 6pm (dusk in winter). There is a work party every Saturday morning from 10am to 12pm, for general maintenance of the orchard – which anyone is welcome to join.

The Friends would like to give a huge thank you to Bakkavor, and to the individuals – Carla Collick, Tracy London, Anna Moffitt, John Gomez, Nicole London, Richard Thorold, Shannon Hasbury and
Jennie Beasley, and to Cindy and Mick Curtis for managing the project.