It was a gloriously sunny day for the Friends of Bourne Wood Apple Day, held in the community orchard, off Beech Avenue on Sunday 10th October.

Of course, the main draw of the day was the apple stall, with lots of varieties of apples on show and to take away for a donation. Most of our trees have done very well this year, with some pears available too.

Carrying on the fruit theme, we had an orchard quiz for adults complied by our outgoing chairman, which was quite difficult, but we did have a winner, Chantel and Issac, won a copy of Richard Jefferson’s – ‘Jewels Beyond the Plough’ book. People could also guess the weight of the bag of apples, and there was an orchard scavenger hunt for children, and a guess my name competition to win a knitted Town Crier, which was won by Susan Halsall.
A few more copies of Richard’s book were available, along with the Bourne Wood booklet and we had an information table about the group and orchard, where people could the group if they wished.
As always, tea and coffee and homemade cake were very popular with the steady stream of visitors, and those attending could sit in the sun and listen to Vaughan Roberts playing his fiddle while enjoying their refreshments.
Last but not least we had a plant stall for some locally grown plants – both the plant stall and apple stall remain in the orchard when open for the time being.
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who worked so hard to make the day a success.
Photographs by Steve Goddard